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End Of Mayan Calendar Meaning

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Question: 'What is the year 2012 Mayan prophecy?'

The end of the Mayan Calendar on Dec. 21, 2012 is the shifting point away from the great cycle known as the Fifth 'Sun' ( a 'Sun' is a long time period in which human consciousness evolves to a new level, and during which specific challenges arise which are linked to this evolution.). The Long Count Calendar represents a cycle of time that is approximately 5,125 years, ending with the 13th cycle (Bahaou). Each cycle lasts about 394 years or 144,000 days. Currently, we are in the 12th Baktun, which will end on December 20, 2012 or the Mayan Calendar date of Thirteen is a sacred number for the Maya, so the completion of 13 b'aktuns, or 1,872,000 days, lends even more import to December 21, 2012. The fact that the Maya may have pegged this end date to a winter solstice (using only naked eye astronomy while taking precession into account, the earth's leapyear-causing wobble) is, for some, additional evidence of some kind of intention by the ancient. The belief that the Mayan calendar predicted the end of the world on December 21, 2012 (or now 2020) began in 1957 with a statement by Mayanist and astronomer Maud Worcester Makemson whos said 'the completion of a Great Period of 13 bʼakʼtuns would have been of the utmost significance to the Maya' and accelerated in 1966 when Mayanist archeologist Michael D. Coe said 'Armageddon would overtake the degenerate peoples of the world and all creation on the final day of the 13th bʼakʼtun.

The ancient Mayans, in their 'Long Count' calendar, had December 21, 2012, as the end of the calendar. This 'end' of the Mayan calendar led to many different interpretations. Some saw it as nothing more than a reset, the beginning of a new cycle. Others saw it as the date for the end of the world (or at least some type of universal catastrophe). So, what is the Mayan Long Count calendar, and did it have any relation to the end of the world?
The Mayans developed their own calendar (The Long Count) ca. 355 B.C. They were able to use their observations and mathematical prowess to calculate the future movements of stars across the sky. The result was that the Mayans discovered the effect of the earth's wobbling as it spins on its axis. This wobbling rotation causes the stars' movements to drift gradually in the sky (an effect called 'precession') in a 5,125-year cycle. The Mayans also discovered that once every cycle the dark band at the center of the Milky Way (called the 'Galactic Equator') intersects the Elliptical (the plane of the sun's movement across the sky).
During the year of the intersection, the sun reaches its solstice (a brief moment when the sun's position in the sky is at its greatest angular distance on the other side of the equatorial plane from the observer) on December 21 for the Northern Hemisphere and June 21 for the Southern Hemisphere. At that time, the solstice occurs at the same moment of the conjunction of the Galactic Equator with the Milky Way. The year this occurs (in relation to our Gregorian calendar) is A.D. 2012, and happened last on August 11, 3114 B.C. With Mayan mythology teaching that the sun is a god and the Milky Way is the gateway to life and death, the Mayans concluded that this intersection in the past must have been the moment of creation. Mayan hieroglyphs seem to indicate that they believed the next intersection (in 2012) would be some sort of end and a new beginning of a cycle.
All the so-called 'Mayan prophecies of 2012' were nothing more than wildly speculative extrapolations, based on the yet-uncertain interpretations by scholars of Mayan hieroglyphs. The truth is that, apart from the astrological convergence, there is little indication that the Mayans prophesied anything specific regarding the events in their distant future. The Mayans were not prophets; they were not even able to predict their own cultural extinction. They were great mathematicians and accomplished sky watchers, but they were also a brutally violent tribal people with a primitive understanding of natural phenomena, subscribing to archaic beliefs and the barbaric practices of blood-letting and human sacrifice. They believed, for example, that the blood of human sacrifices powered the sun and gave it life.
There is absolutely nothing in the Bible that would present December 21, 2012, as the end of the world. The Bible nowhere presents the astronomical phenomena the Mayans pointed to as a sign of the end times. It would seem inconsistent of God to allow the Mayans to discover such an amazing truth while keeping the many Old Testament prophets ignorant of the timing of the events. In summary, there is absolutely no biblical evidence that the 2012 Mayan prophecy should have been considered a reliable prediction of doomsday.
Also included in the ancient Mayan prediction that December 21, 2012, would be the end of the world are the following theories: our sun is a god; the sun is powered by the blood of human sacrifice; the creation moment occurred at 3114 B.C. (despite all evidence that it happened much earlier); and the visual alignment of stars has some significance for everyday human life. Like every other false religion, the Mayan religion sought to elevate the creation instead of the Creator Himself. The Bible tells us about such false worshipers: 'They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator' (Romans 1:25), and 'since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities – His eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse' (Romans 1:20). To accept the Mayan 2012 prophecy is also to deny the clear biblical teaching about the end of the world. Jesus told us, 'But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.' (Mark 13:32).

If you are on this site, then you have heard about the Mayan predictions of 2021. That the long count Mayan calendar ends in 2021 – on December 21st to be exact. However, that is just the problem: some people do not agree that that date is, in fact, exact.

No one is saying that the calendar does not end after 5126 years, but they call into question the dating of the calendar and therefore its predictions on 2021. So, can the dates be wrong? Can we have already passed the actual end of the Mayan calendar or is it indeed still a hundred years away? Well, it depends on who you talk to and who you believe.

Predictions of 2021 – The Long Count

The Mayan long count calendar has been called the most accurate calendar in the world – and with good reason. The Mayans had several calendars to track the years – a religious calendar, a social calendar, and a calendar round (which combined the first two). They devised their calendars based on advanced astronomy and mathematics.

They devised the long count calendar in order to track both the distant past and to predict the future. The Mayans have accurately predicted every solstice and eclipse to the day. This from a society dating to 250 A.D.

According to the Mayans, the long count tracked the current age. After the calendar ended, so did the age. A new calendar and a new age would begin the next day. The predictions of 2021 are that the calendar is set to end after all these years.

Max Payne 3 Highly Compressed PC Free Download Max Payne 3 is a third-person shooter video game developed by Rockstar Studios and published by Rockstar Games. It was released on May 15, 2012 for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360; a Microsoft Windows port was released on May 29, 2012, followed by an OS X port on June 20, 2013. Max payne 3 free download for pc highly compressed. Max Payne 3 Free download PC game full version Setup ISO with direct download links compressed. You can also download Max Payne 3 PC game full version highly compressed setup for Android APK + Data Obb files. Max Payne 3 Free Download Overview. Max Payne 3 Highly Compressed For PC. Max Payne 3 Highly Compressed For PC is a third-person shooter game. It is developed by rockstar studios. And it is published by rockstar games. It is released on May 15, 2012. It is a release for PlayStations and Xbox 360. An Overview Max Payne 3 is a third-person shooter in which the player assumes the role of its titular character, Max Payne. A new feature to the series, introduced in Max Payne 3, is the cover system, which allows players to gain a tactical advantage, and avoid taking damage from enemies.

Predictions of 2021 – Dating the Long Count Calendar

Since we are using the Gregorian calendar and not the Mayan calendar, archeologists needed to find a way to date the calendar so that we could correspond it to a time frame we could understand.

This is generally done by historic events, especially historic events in the skies that could be pinpointed on both calendars. For instance, if a large meteor or comet went across the sky on a certain day in our calendar and we could find the same date on the Mayan calendar, then we could find a common day. You see? By counting the days forward from the common day, we can arrive at the same date in both calendars.

So that is what the experts did. They found a few great events, comets, meteors and planets showing brightly that corresponded on both calendars. Once they were certain of a common date, then they just counted the days forward on both calendars and arrived at December 21st, 2021.


Is the Mayan Date Wrong?

End Of Mayan Calendar Meaning Black And White

Then comes a researcher from the University of California Santa Barbara named Gerardo Aldana. He gains his 15 minutes of fame (and conveniently sells a couple copies of his new book on the subject) by claiming that perhaps the dates are wrong. His reasoning, that maybe what the original experts thought was a meteor could actually be Venus. If this were true, the calendar could be off by at least 60 days.

Now, the process used to correlate the two calendars uses several different common events – and they all have to match up for it to work. This correlation factor is called the 'GMT Correlation' named for the three scientists that calculated the dates.

Is it possible that there is an error with one of the dates? Sure it is possible, but the GMT is highly respected among archeologists and scientists because it uses several different events. Could they all be wrong?

Several scientists and archeologists have come forward in defense of the GMT constant and its predictions of 2021. Notably, Allen Christenson, PhD. from Brigham Young University has said:

Mayan Calendar End Of Time

End of mayan calendar meaning ap

'I am all for challenging conventional wisdom, but in this case they have correlated major historical and astrological events using the GMT and the two calendars match up nicely… there is no error.'

If the date is correct, what happens in 2021?

That is really the question of the day, is it not? If we are accepting the predictions of 2021, what happens on December 21st?

Well, the calendar ends. The age ends. Then on the next day the new calendar begins. It was Dr. Michael Coe, in 1966, who first claimed that the ending of the Mayan calendar might be Armageddon.

Question: 'What is the year 2012 Mayan prophecy?'

The end of the Mayan Calendar on Dec. 21, 2012 is the shifting point away from the great cycle known as the Fifth 'Sun' ( a 'Sun' is a long time period in which human consciousness evolves to a new level, and during which specific challenges arise which are linked to this evolution.). The Long Count Calendar represents a cycle of time that is approximately 5,125 years, ending with the 13th cycle (Bahaou). Each cycle lasts about 394 years or 144,000 days. Currently, we are in the 12th Baktun, which will end on December 20, 2012 or the Mayan Calendar date of Thirteen is a sacred number for the Maya, so the completion of 13 b'aktuns, or 1,872,000 days, lends even more import to December 21, 2012. The fact that the Maya may have pegged this end date to a winter solstice (using only naked eye astronomy while taking precession into account, the earth's leapyear-causing wobble) is, for some, additional evidence of some kind of intention by the ancient. The belief that the Mayan calendar predicted the end of the world on December 21, 2012 (or now 2020) began in 1957 with a statement by Mayanist and astronomer Maud Worcester Makemson whos said 'the completion of a Great Period of 13 bʼakʼtuns would have been of the utmost significance to the Maya' and accelerated in 1966 when Mayanist archeologist Michael D. Coe said 'Armageddon would overtake the degenerate peoples of the world and all creation on the final day of the 13th bʼakʼtun.

The ancient Mayans, in their 'Long Count' calendar, had December 21, 2012, as the end of the calendar. This 'end' of the Mayan calendar led to many different interpretations. Some saw it as nothing more than a reset, the beginning of a new cycle. Others saw it as the date for the end of the world (or at least some type of universal catastrophe). So, what is the Mayan Long Count calendar, and did it have any relation to the end of the world?
The Mayans developed their own calendar (The Long Count) ca. 355 B.C. They were able to use their observations and mathematical prowess to calculate the future movements of stars across the sky. The result was that the Mayans discovered the effect of the earth's wobbling as it spins on its axis. This wobbling rotation causes the stars' movements to drift gradually in the sky (an effect called 'precession') in a 5,125-year cycle. The Mayans also discovered that once every cycle the dark band at the center of the Milky Way (called the 'Galactic Equator') intersects the Elliptical (the plane of the sun's movement across the sky).
During the year of the intersection, the sun reaches its solstice (a brief moment when the sun's position in the sky is at its greatest angular distance on the other side of the equatorial plane from the observer) on December 21 for the Northern Hemisphere and June 21 for the Southern Hemisphere. At that time, the solstice occurs at the same moment of the conjunction of the Galactic Equator with the Milky Way. The year this occurs (in relation to our Gregorian calendar) is A.D. 2012, and happened last on August 11, 3114 B.C. With Mayan mythology teaching that the sun is a god and the Milky Way is the gateway to life and death, the Mayans concluded that this intersection in the past must have been the moment of creation. Mayan hieroglyphs seem to indicate that they believed the next intersection (in 2012) would be some sort of end and a new beginning of a cycle.
All the so-called 'Mayan prophecies of 2012' were nothing more than wildly speculative extrapolations, based on the yet-uncertain interpretations by scholars of Mayan hieroglyphs. The truth is that, apart from the astrological convergence, there is little indication that the Mayans prophesied anything specific regarding the events in their distant future. The Mayans were not prophets; they were not even able to predict their own cultural extinction. They were great mathematicians and accomplished sky watchers, but they were also a brutally violent tribal people with a primitive understanding of natural phenomena, subscribing to archaic beliefs and the barbaric practices of blood-letting and human sacrifice. They believed, for example, that the blood of human sacrifices powered the sun and gave it life.
There is absolutely nothing in the Bible that would present December 21, 2012, as the end of the world. The Bible nowhere presents the astronomical phenomena the Mayans pointed to as a sign of the end times. It would seem inconsistent of God to allow the Mayans to discover such an amazing truth while keeping the many Old Testament prophets ignorant of the timing of the events. In summary, there is absolutely no biblical evidence that the 2012 Mayan prophecy should have been considered a reliable prediction of doomsday.
Also included in the ancient Mayan prediction that December 21, 2012, would be the end of the world are the following theories: our sun is a god; the sun is powered by the blood of human sacrifice; the creation moment occurred at 3114 B.C. (despite all evidence that it happened much earlier); and the visual alignment of stars has some significance for everyday human life. Like every other false religion, the Mayan religion sought to elevate the creation instead of the Creator Himself. The Bible tells us about such false worshipers: 'They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator' (Romans 1:25), and 'since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities – His eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse' (Romans 1:20). To accept the Mayan 2012 prophecy is also to deny the clear biblical teaching about the end of the world. Jesus told us, 'But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.' (Mark 13:32).

If you are on this site, then you have heard about the Mayan predictions of 2021. That the long count Mayan calendar ends in 2021 – on December 21st to be exact. However, that is just the problem: some people do not agree that that date is, in fact, exact.

No one is saying that the calendar does not end after 5126 years, but they call into question the dating of the calendar and therefore its predictions on 2021. So, can the dates be wrong? Can we have already passed the actual end of the Mayan calendar or is it indeed still a hundred years away? Well, it depends on who you talk to and who you believe.

Predictions of 2021 – The Long Count

The Mayan long count calendar has been called the most accurate calendar in the world – and with good reason. The Mayans had several calendars to track the years – a religious calendar, a social calendar, and a calendar round (which combined the first two). They devised their calendars based on advanced astronomy and mathematics.

They devised the long count calendar in order to track both the distant past and to predict the future. The Mayans have accurately predicted every solstice and eclipse to the day. This from a society dating to 250 A.D.

According to the Mayans, the long count tracked the current age. After the calendar ended, so did the age. A new calendar and a new age would begin the next day. The predictions of 2021 are that the calendar is set to end after all these years.

Max Payne 3 Highly Compressed PC Free Download Max Payne 3 is a third-person shooter video game developed by Rockstar Studios and published by Rockstar Games. It was released on May 15, 2012 for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360; a Microsoft Windows port was released on May 29, 2012, followed by an OS X port on June 20, 2013. Max payne 3 free download for pc highly compressed. Max Payne 3 Free download PC game full version Setup ISO with direct download links compressed. You can also download Max Payne 3 PC game full version highly compressed setup for Android APK + Data Obb files. Max Payne 3 Free Download Overview. Max Payne 3 Highly Compressed For PC. Max Payne 3 Highly Compressed For PC is a third-person shooter game. It is developed by rockstar studios. And it is published by rockstar games. It is released on May 15, 2012. It is a release for PlayStations and Xbox 360. An Overview Max Payne 3 is a third-person shooter in which the player assumes the role of its titular character, Max Payne. A new feature to the series, introduced in Max Payne 3, is the cover system, which allows players to gain a tactical advantage, and avoid taking damage from enemies.

Predictions of 2021 – Dating the Long Count Calendar

Since we are using the Gregorian calendar and not the Mayan calendar, archeologists needed to find a way to date the calendar so that we could correspond it to a time frame we could understand.

This is generally done by historic events, especially historic events in the skies that could be pinpointed on both calendars. For instance, if a large meteor or comet went across the sky on a certain day in our calendar and we could find the same date on the Mayan calendar, then we could find a common day. You see? By counting the days forward from the common day, we can arrive at the same date in both calendars.

So that is what the experts did. They found a few great events, comets, meteors and planets showing brightly that corresponded on both calendars. Once they were certain of a common date, then they just counted the days forward on both calendars and arrived at December 21st, 2021.

Is the Mayan Date Wrong?

End Of Mayan Calendar Meaning Black And White

Then comes a researcher from the University of California Santa Barbara named Gerardo Aldana. He gains his 15 minutes of fame (and conveniently sells a couple copies of his new book on the subject) by claiming that perhaps the dates are wrong. His reasoning, that maybe what the original experts thought was a meteor could actually be Venus. If this were true, the calendar could be off by at least 60 days.

Now, the process used to correlate the two calendars uses several different common events – and they all have to match up for it to work. This correlation factor is called the 'GMT Correlation' named for the three scientists that calculated the dates.

Is it possible that there is an error with one of the dates? Sure it is possible, but the GMT is highly respected among archeologists and scientists because it uses several different events. Could they all be wrong?

Several scientists and archeologists have come forward in defense of the GMT constant and its predictions of 2021. Notably, Allen Christenson, PhD. from Brigham Young University has said:

Mayan Calendar End Of Time

'I am all for challenging conventional wisdom, but in this case they have correlated major historical and astrological events using the GMT and the two calendars match up nicely… there is no error.'

If the date is correct, what happens in 2021?

That is really the question of the day, is it not? If we are accepting the predictions of 2021, what happens on December 21st?

Well, the calendar ends. The age ends. Then on the next day the new calendar begins. It was Dr. Michael Coe, in 1966, who first claimed that the ending of the Mayan calendar might be Armageddon.

here is no concrete proof that the Mayans believed that the world would end or even that there would be any cataclysmic event. However, the end of an age was an enormous occasion with grave significance. Unfortunately, there just are not enough Mayan writings on the topic that survived for us to know anything for certain.

Predictions of 2021 – Who Predicted the End of the World Then?

The Mayan Calendar

I know why you are confused, as a webmaster for a Mayan site I am expected to promote doom and gloom and cash in on the hysteria, right? Well, I just cannot do that. I do not believe that the end of the Mayan calendar means the end of the world. Even if something does happen, the world will still be here in January of 2022.

Nostradamus Predictions of 2021

Nostradamus has no writings that include the year 2021. However, some of his more interesting quatrains have been interpreted to be mean just that. For more information: Nostradamus Predictions of 2021. The quick version is that he talks about great cycles ending with destruction – especially a comet or meteor strike.

End Of Mayan Calendar Meaning List

There are also other theories that have been attributed to 2021 – everything from the poles switching places to sun flares to alien invasion. Each theory has its particular champions and detractors, but there is no proof that anything cataclysmic will happen in 2021.

End Of Mayan Calendar Meaning Math

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